Arboriculture Inventory is a Software System providing information on each tree (including shrubs, palms, hedges, and plants) and produces reports on information as to the type, size, location (GPS, Address, and Project Area), photographs, history, health, maintenance frequency and needs. Generic and User Defined Reports are available which is provided with the above information. The Software System uses a Microsoft Access database which is accessible by most computer programs which can read the information and manipulate the data as desired. (i.e. Canopy related calculations.)
This Software System is a set of multi-user/multi-site Microsoft Access database programs used to manage trees, shrubs, palms, hedges, and plants. Assists in the control, planning, and maintenance of landscapes producing a Street Tree Inventory database.
The purpose of a Street Tree Inventory is to maintain a record of the location of trees/plants on right-of-ways and/or park lands for the responsible entities. Records will indicate; Location of trees by GPS coordinates and/or street address/area, Type Variety of Plants, Size/Height/Spread, Health Data, History/Replacement Data, Project or Service Request Data, and Check up Reminder Data. This provides a Computerized Tree-Management System, which is one of the qualifications for a Tree City Growth Award.
This Computerized Tree-Management System provides a tool to assist in implementing Tree City Growth Awards items in two categories; Category C: Planning and Management and Category D: Tree Planting and Maintenance.
The System Cost is $2,500 with discounts available for Non-Profit Organizations and Small Cities with less than 1,000 permanent residents. Included in the price; the Software System, up to 1 hour of phone support for the initial installation using your own IT personnel, 30 minutes per month additional phone support for year, and on-line program updates for 1 year. For on-site installation costs and/or loading your tree inventory contact Robert Clark at rClark@ArboricultureInventory.com or Pat Henderson at pHenderson@ArboricultureInventory.com.
A Plant Identification and Information database, containing basic information on over 1725+ plant species is provided. Additional plant species information can be added or changed to meet your requirements and locale. This database consist of; USDA CODEs, Scientific Name, Common Names, Growth & Dimensions, Environment, Identifying information, Usages, Cultivars, Maintenance, Problems, Notes, and spec sheet.
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Last Updated: 05/09/2010 |
Our goal is to continually improve our software and data entry techniques. Our software customers (annual membership) are provided with a member login so they can obtain updates as soon as they are posted. Program Source Code is also posted, and is available for download buy PSC contracted customers.
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